Vakrathunda mahaakaaya suryakotisamaprabha,
Avighnam Kurume deva sarvakaryeshu sarvadaa.
Lord Ganesh, having a curved trunk, a huge body and the brilliance of millions of suns, remove all obstacles in the way of all my actions, always. Sri Ganesh is the elder son of Lord Siva and Goddess Parvathi, the Divine
Couple of the universe. He is the leader (Isa) of Lord Siva’s army and Bhutha Ganas,
hence the name Ganesh. He is in fact reputed to remove all the obstacles (Vignas)
in the path of progress and welfare of devotees. He therefore goes also by the
name of Vigneswara. It is because of this special attribute of His, the devotees
unfailingly invoke His prayer at the commencement of every action and enterprise,
to complete their mission without any hardships or difficulties. When you look at the idol of Ganesh, you find that the head is that of an elephant,
and the body that of a human being. In His upper right hand he carries an axe (Ankusa),
in His upper left hand He has a noose (Pasha). He is always smiling (Prasanna Vadhana).
In front of him, we see a mouse (Mooshika), which happens to be His vehicle
(Vahana). Pray with absolute faith invoking His blessings, He will vouch safe for us a good and meaningful life removing all obstacles in the way. |